Generally writing about something is very boring, tiring and difficult process for me, but I seem to be quite enjoying writing on this topic. May be the reason is that I am not just writing post but some thoughts, against a concept which is not only harmful for our society but also for our future generation.
People now a days want instant money and fame and thanks to our so called reality shows where people are exposed to super stardom quite easily. However this kind of popularity or fame never lasts for long as we all know that without talent you will fail to make it happen in the long run.
The same thing happened with the "
Indian Idol 2" winner
Sandeep Acharya who somehow manages to clinch the title by beating other contestant (Some of them actually are a lot more talented than Sandeep). I wonder where he is actually, is he alive? Has he quit singing? many of us don't even have single clue about his existent. He seems to have just vanished totally from the scene. May be he is just a bit ashamed of himself cause of the fact that such a non-deserving candidate like him actually end up as the winner of the show. I don't know but that year many people were disappointed to see the "
Indian Idol 2" winner, some of them even went on to say that the public votes are being manipulated. One of my readers also mentioned that there's always some kind partiality going on at any contest. I don't know whether it was partiality which actually won Sandeep the "Indian Idol" title or something else.